Our IATA Category 1 Dangerous Goods training course has been designed with specific exercises related to the transportation of dangerous goods by air from a shipper's perspective. This IATA training course covers the fundamentals of shipping dangerous goods by air according to the IATA regulations. Our 10 step approach encompasses all of the activities which must be addressed when preparing dangerous goods for shipment by air. This course has been updated to include recent changes to the regulations, using the 65th Edition (2024) of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.
This dangerous goods certification course is designed to help employers meet the requirements for IATA training as specified in Section 1.5 of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations and 49 CFR 172 Subpart H, including testing of participants. This course does not cover the more detailed requirements for the shipment of radioactive materials under the IATA regulations.
Dangerous Goods training applies to any individual who:
Upon completion of this online course, participants should be able to:
Introduction to Dangerous Goods
General Awareness
Step 1: Determine the Proper Shipping Name
Step 2: Determine if material is Forbidden in Aircraft under any circumstances
Step 3: Excepted Quantity Limitations
Step 4: Identify Appropriate Packing Instruction (Passenger or Cargo Aircraft)
Step 5: Apply the Appropriate Quantity Limitation
Step 6: Identify State & Operator Variations (Security)
Step 7: Select the Appropriate Packaging
Step 8: Ensure the Required Labels and Marks are Affixed
Step 9: Complete Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods
Step 10: Security Awareness & Safety
4 Horas de Contacto
Esto representa el tiempo estimado para completar este curso en linea, incluyendo ejercicios teóricos.
Tiempos actuales pueda variar segun el usuario.
Citation: IATA DGR Section 1.5 and 49 CFR 172.704
Section of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations requires that:
"Recurrent training must take place within 24 months of previous training to ensure knowledge is current..."
US DOT's training requirements for shipping hazardous materials is located in 49 CFR Part 172 Subpart H. In addition to initial training [49 CFR 172.704(c)(1)], DOT requires "recurrent training" every 3 three years.
"A hazmat employee shall receive the training required by this subpart at least once every three years." [49 CFR 172.704(c)(2)]
Requisito para Entrenamiento Recurrente: Cada 2 año(s).
La tarifa del curso le da derecho a un solo usuario a participar en el curso en línea durante al menos seis (6) meses. Las solicitudes de tiempo adicional se considerarán caso por caso, pero casi siempre se respetan. Los certificados impresos se envían por correo (primera clase para ubicaciones nacionales / correo aéreo estándar para ubicaciones internacionales) y se incluyen en la tarifa del curso. Los costos de envío acelerados son adicionales.