Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals


Click on the course name for more information or click Enroll Now to proceed directly to the registration process.

  • 4 Hours
  • This course provides training as required by OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29CFR 1910.1030). Material covered in the course includes definitions of bloodborne pathogens, modes of transmission, universal precautions, engineering and work practice controls, exposure control plans, hepatitis B vaccinations, and other information needed to the safety of the tattoo artist or body piercer.

    Additional topics on infection control, aseptic techniques, and prevention of disease transmission are also included in this course. While these topics are not required as part of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, they are required by some states, and we highly recommend these topics even if it's not required in your location.

    This course can be used as introductory training as well as satisfy OSHA's annual refresher requirement.

Training Portal & Group Code Information

Training Portals are created for larger groups who need their employees to have on-demand access to a specific list of courses. If your company has a Training Portal, then you should have a Group Code specific to your company. Group Codes are used to make sure individuals are assigned to the correct client group so your Training Coordinator(s) can monitor your progress, completions, and certificates.