Online DOT-RCRA Training: Hazardous Waste Management Course for Environmental Professionals

Hazardous Waste Management and Shipping for Environmental Professionals

This web-based, online DOT-RCRA training includes a history and overview of hazardous waste management laws and regulations, a guide to complying with the myriad of hazardous waste regulations including how to recognize hazardous wastes, how to manage waste correctly on site, how to properly select, label and mark waste containers, how to prepare shipments for transport to treatment, storage, and disposal facilities, and how to properly keep records for compliance and enforcement. This DOT-RCRA hybrid course is designed to assist facilities to meet the annual training requirements for generators of hazardous waste, including the requirements presented in 40 CFR 262.16 (b)(9)(iii) and 40 CFR 262.17(a)(7).

In addition, this DOT-RCRA training course includes a discussion of the DOT's regulations for shipping supplies, equipment and samples related to hazardous waste site investigations and remediation activities which is based on the requirements for training as specified in 49 CFR 172 Subpart H, including testing of participants.

Hazardous Waste Management Training Course Details

The Department of Transportation’s hazardous materials transportation law requires employees who ship and receive hazardous materials to be trained. The Environmental Protection Agency’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requires employees who work with hazardous wastes at large- or small-quantity generator sites to complete DOT RCRA training. Eduwhere’s course satisfies the training requirements of both agencies.

Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of best practices for hazardous waste management and emergency protocols as well as hazardous materials shipping. The course will cover all topics required by the DOT and RCRA, including hazmat classification and definition, shipping paperwork, packaging, marking, labeling, and placarding, as well as emergency and security procedures. In addition, you will become familiar with regulatory standards for a variety of hazardous waste categories, including used oil, pharmaceutical waste, and universal waste.

Course Fee
$195.00 USD


  • Instant Access, Online, On-Demand
  • Certificate, Wallet Card, Scoresheet
  • Accepted by: DOT, EPA

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Group Discount Information

Very detailed information.
—Gary F.


Topics include:
  • identification of hazardous wastes;
  • onsite management;
  • offsite transportation;
  • marking and labeling;
  • hazardous materials table;
  • exceptions and exemptions;
  • environmental samples and equipment;
  • shipping papers; and
  • training requirements, including DOT Security Awareness.

Who Should Take Eduwhere’s Hybrid DOT-RCRA Training Class?

This RCRA-DOT training course is required for environmental professionals who are 1) involved with handling, shipping, or receiving hazardous materials, including samples of hazardous waste, and 2) involved with managing hazardous wastes associated with cleanup activities. This may include:

  • samplers
  • drillers
  • engineers
  • geologists
  • laboratory technicians
  • scientists
  • field technicians

Are You an Environmental Professional Working with Hazardous Waste?

The Department of Transportation’s hazardous materials transportation law requires employees who ship and receive hazardous materials (hazmat) to be trained. The Environmental Protection Agency’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requires employees who work with hazardous wastes at large- or small-quantity generator sites to complete RCRA training. Eduwhere’s course satisfies the training requirements of both agencies. If you are a supervisor on a site that performs any hazmat-related activities, you are responsible for ensuring that your team members complete this training and annual refresher training as well.

Eduwhere’s Hazardous Waste Management and Shipping for Environmental Professionals online training course fulfills the DOT’s and EPA’s requirements for both initial training and refresher training, allowing employers to provide RCRA and DOT hazmat certification. Through this convenient online class, environmental personnel will learn a wealth of information that is central to their job duties, including how to identify hazmat and hazardous waste, maintain compliance with facility and federal regulations for hazmat and hazardous waste handling, and ensure proper packaging, labeling, marking, and documentation of hazmat and hazardous waste shipments.

In addition to helping you and your team maintain compliance with DOT and EPA regulations, completing Eduwhere’s convenient RCRA-DOT training will prepare you for many situations you will encounter on the job. Personnel involved with cleanup will benefit in particular from course content on how to identify various forms of hazardous waste and manage them onsite, understand exceptions and exemptions, and ship environmental samples and equipment.

Do You Prepare Hazardous Materials for Shipment?

All employees involved with hazmat shipments play an important role in safety and risk prevention as part of their work, and are required by DOT to complete hazardous materials transportation training. This includes anyone who is involved in packaging, marking, labeling, or completing hazmat paperwork (including AWB, Bill of Lading, Shipping Papers, and Hazardous Waste Manifests).

Eduwhere's hybrid RCRA-DOT course covers the requirements for employees shipping hazardous materials.

Are You Involved in the Management or Cleanup of Hazardous Wastes?

If your duties are related to hazardous waste cleanup, the supervision of hazardous waste cleanup, or the management of hazardous waste, you are required to complete RCRA hazardous waste training. This training will help protect you, your team, and the environment as you perform cleanup and management operations.

Eduwhere's hybrid RCRA-DOT course covers the requirements for employees managing hazardous waste.

Do You Sign Hazardous Waste Manifests for Offsite Shipping?

Employees who sign the hazardous waste manifests are required to complete DOT hazardous materials transportation training.

Eduwhere's hybrid RCRA-DOT course covers the requirements for employees who sign hazardous waste manifests.

Industries that Require DOT Hazardous Materials Transportation Training and Hazardous Waste Management Training

Hazardous materials can be found in almost every work environment, and many facilities generate hazardous wastes. Industries such as environmental consulting, environmental sampling, engineering, and geology have clear connections to hazardous waste. If your profession requires you to manage hazardous waste or ship hazmats, you may be required to take an RCRA and DOT training.

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After completing this series, participants should be able to:
  • know how to identify, and manage hazardous waste;
  • be able to determine generator status and maintain facility compliance with hazardous waste regulations;
  • recognize regulations for recordkeeping and reporting;
  • locate and use the Federal hazardous materials and hazardous waste regulations;
  • properly label and mark hazardous waste containers for shipment;
  • complete manifests for hazardous waste;
  • select proper packaging for hazardous materials; and
  • develop appropriate emergency response information to accompany shipments.


Linda R. Taylor, PE

Linda is the owner of Taylor Engineering, and a former faculty member in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Technology at NC State University and the former Director of Environmental Health & Safety at North Carolina State University's IES. She has over 30 years of engineering experience working in industry, academia, and environmental consulting, including over 25 years at North Carolina State University. She has provided instruction on a wide range of environmental, health, transportation, and safety topics at conferences and training courses, both live and online, and she is a licensed Professional Engineer and an OSHA authorized instructor.

Ms. Taylor received a BS in Civil Engineering from Stanford University and a MS in Environmental Engineering from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Contact Hours

8 Contact Hours
This represents the estimated time to complete the online course, including exercises. Actual times may vary from user to user.

Training Requirement

Citation: 40 CFR 262.16(b)(9)(iii), 40 CFR 262.17(a)(7) and 49 CFR 172.704

According to 40 CFR 262.17(a)(7) LQG personnel must successfully complete a program of classroom instruction, online training (e.g., computer-based or electronic), or on-the-job training that teaches them to perform their duties in a way that ensures compliance with the hazardous waste regulations.

In addition to the initial RCRA training, 40 CFR 262.17(a)(7)(iii) requires LQG personnel to complete an annual refresher on RCRA.

The training requirements for SQGs are found in 40 CFR Part 262.16(b)(9)(iii). SQGs must ensure that their workers are:

"...thoroughly familiar with proper waste handling and emergency procedures relevant to their responsibilities during normal facility operations and emergencies"

The requirement for SQGs may require annual training or other type and frequency of training appropriate to the wastes handled at the SQG site.

DOT's training requirements for shipping hazardous materials is located in 49 CFR Part 172 Subpart H. In addition to initial training [49 CFR 172.704(c)(1)], DOT requires "recurrent training" every 3 three years.

"A hazmat employee shall receive the training required by this subpart at least once every three years." [49 CFR 172.704(c)(2)]

The suggested retraining period for this course is listed as one (1) year because of the RCRA annual training component required for Large Quantity Generators. As stated above, the DOT requirement for refresher training is only once every three (3) years.

How Often Does 40 CFR 262.16(b)(9)(iii), 40 CFR 262.17(a)(7) and 49 CFR 172.704 Training Need to Be Updated?

Although the DOT, per 49 CFR 172.704(c)(2), requires that hazmat employees complete RCRA DOT training only every three years, the RCRA has an annual training requirement for large- and small-quantity generators. Therefore, to cover all the bases it is prudent to complete refresher training every year.

Refresher Training Required: Every 1 year(s).

Why Choose Eduwhere for Your Combined DOT & RCRA Hazardous Waste Management Training Classes?

For more than 25 years, Eduwhere has provided affordable, accessible hazmat training to busy professionals. Our courses can be taken on demand from any location with an internet connection and according to your own schedule. We recognize that you are juggling many demands as you are completing the training that will keep you in compliance with health and safety organizations, and we aim to make our courses as informative and convenient as possible.

Your OSHA-approved instructor, Linda R. Taylor, PE, brings to this training a wealth of experience in industry and environmental consulting with corporations such as Progress Energy. Her firsthand knowledge of hazmat safety from her own career, as well as her expertise in teaching as a faculty member in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Technology at NC State University, make her an ideal instructor for this course.

In just 8 contact hours, Ms. Taylor will provide you with the education you need to make informed decisions about hazmat safety in the workplace and remain in compliance with the EPA and the DOT. Learning this information will give you the background you need to perform hazmat-related duties with confidence.

Eduwhere’s DOT RCRA training is accepted by DOT and the EPA. Upon successful completion of the class, you’ll receive a certificate, wallet card, and scoresheet indicating that you have passed the final examination and achieved certification.

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The course fee entitles a single user to participate in the online course for at least six (6) months. Requests for additional time will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but are almost always honored. Hardcopy certificates are mailed (first class for domestic locations/standard airmail for international locations) and included in the course fee. Expedited shipping costs are additional.