Laboratory Audit Essentials: Laboratory Compliance Training Online Course

Laboratory Audit Essentials

Data generated by environmental laboratories are used to make strategic decisions for all types of projects (investigation, remediation, compliance, etc.). It is vitally important that the data are of the highest quality to avoid costly resampling and budget overruns. The goal of this course is to provide information so that an individual can conduct an audit of an environmental laboratory. A laboratory audit ensures that the laboratory has quality systems in place, follows good laboratory practices, and generates data of integrity and quality. This course will help you conduct your own environmental laboratory audit.

Course Fee
$50.00 USD


  • Instant Access, Online, On-Demand
  • Certificate, Wallet Card, Scoresheet

For help call Toll-Free 866-523-9108

Group Discount Information

All categorized accordingly, easy to follow and understand.
—Josalyn W.


Topics include:
  • document checks
  • laboratory quality control procedures
  • laboratory performance
  • laboratory record management
  • laboratory report content
  • laboratory glassware cleaning
  • laboratory hazardous waste disposal
  • corrective actions

Who Should Attend

Enviromental professionals who use data generated by environmental laboratories to make project decisions or review environmental laboratory data. This may include:
  • samplers
  • drillers
  • engineers
  • geologists
  • scientists
  • field technicians
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After completing this series, participants should be able to:
  • perform a document search of important laboratory documents,
  • evaluate laboratory staffing levels and experience,
  • evaluate that the laboratory has properly trained staff,
  • check laboratory quality control procedures, physical facility requirements, traceability and calibration procedures,
  • check laboratory record management and storage procedures,
  • check laboratory hazardous waste disposal procedures,
  • check sample receipt and tracking procedures.


Lorri L. White

Ms. White is the Director of Analytical Services at KeikaVentures, LLC. Ms. White has over 22 years of experience in the environmental industry which includes 10 years working for an environmental laboratory which specialized in air analyses. Her lab experience includes sample preparation, GC/MS, quality control, project management, sales and marketing. She is an OSHA approved instructor. Ms. White received a BS in Chemistry from Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN and completed a year of graduate level studies in analytical chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Contact Hours

2 Contact Hours
This represents the estimated time to complete the online course, including exercises. Actual times may vary from user to user.

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Satisfied clients in over 100 countries around the globe, spread across all seven continents.

Your Compliance Connection

The course fee entitles a single user to participate in the online course for at least six (6) months. Requests for additional time will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but are almost always honored. Hardcopy certificates are mailed (first class for domestic locations/standard airmail for international locations) and included in the course fee. Expedited shipping costs are additional.